Market Fundamentals Guide

This instrument is meant to give you a long term overview (10 years worth of weekly data points) of aggregate company fundamentals. We use the term “average” for display purposes, but the figure is in fact a median, for better representation (as in Median EPS, not Average EPS).

The figures are derived by taking the top 500 US companies by Market-Cap, weighting them equally, then producing the median value that is on display. For the EPS calculation, negative values are excluded.

You can select your own timeframe by using the dropdown menu (first selection box). You can specify the exact start and end dates or use your own lookback window for the analysis. The bottom half of each instrument shows the SPY, for easy referencing.

Fundamental data is generally NOT forward looking in nature. The stock market usually moves well ahead in anticipation of these figures, as per company guidance. By the time the data gets reported and represented in these charts, the stock price will have moved. However, it is useful to keep an eye on these figures, as it helps assessing where we are in the current economic cycle.

This instrument is updated at the end of every week, and moves significantly during “earnings season” when most companies deliver their quarterly reports.