Signal Sigma’s core product are the various investment strategies.

We present the latest trades, performance and portfolio allocation in one easy to read dashboard. Shown here is the Sigma Portfolio.

Our belief is that the optimal results in investing come from a solid collaboration between human and machine. In the Sigma Portfolio, we aim to make use of all available instruments on the platform and blend the outcome of the automated models in a single portfolio that mirrors our real-life investing book.

Sometimes we may choose to overweight or underweight positions recommended by the strategies. We may front-run algorithmic decisions or delay certain trades, in the short-term. We may add stock positions or hedges, in a discretionary manner. Longer term, our goal for this portfolio is to converge on an average of all automated models. Investing is not just science, it is also art. The Sigma Portfolio is our canvas.

DEMO - Sigma Portfolio

Strategy Performance vs. SPY last 200 trading days



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